More Theatre at Rice

Rice Players

Rice Players

For many decades, Rice Players’ productions were the only professional theatre experience that Rice students could have on campus. However, with the founding of the Visual and Dramatic Arts department, (now the Rice Theatre Minor in the School of Humanities) the Rice Players began to fill a different role. Since then, the Rice Players have redefined themselves. The Rice Players fill the gap between the professional Rice Theatre Program productions and the budding college theatre shows. While the Rice Players have access to professional equipment, venues, and people, they also maintain the more experimental feel of the college theatre productions. The Rice Players seek to provide Rice students, faculty, staff, and alumni with the opportunity to try something new or continue pursuing an old passion. Come one, come all.

More about Rice Players

Baker Shakespeare

Baker Shakespeare

Baker Shakespeare began in 1970, guided by college master Charles W. Philpott and inspired by two engineering students, Charles Becker and Ed Dickinson, who wanted to see Shakespeare at Baker. The wood-panelled college Commons, originally the Rice Institute's central dining hall, has since provided a visually exciting backdrop for over forty years of productions, ranging among comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances in settings lavish or minimalist, from ancient to modern.

More about Baker Shakespeare