Facility Rental Fee Schedule
Rice University On-Campus Departments and Groups
Performance/event days, $900
Rice University Student Organizations
Performance/event days, $500
Off-campus presenters
Performance/event days, $1,800 (up to 8 hours/day)
Dark days (set on stage with no performance), $375/day
Personnel (all rates are per individual)
Required for all events:
Staff (minimum 5 hours/day), $35/hour.
Hours worked in excess of eight hours in one 24-hour period must be compensated at 1.5 times the hourly rate. Hamman Hall personal are required a one-hour break after 5 hours, presenter will be liable for additional compensation as follows:
a. 1.5 times the hourly rate until one-hour break is given, or
b. Paid one-half hour break and meal provided from preselected menu approved by technical director.
Choice between "a" or "b" above rests with presenter. It is the responsibility of presenter to inform staff of break time. No activities may occur in the theatre while staff is on break.
Other Charges
Custodial Service (required)
Monday-Thursday rehearsals and events, $75 per day.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday rehearsals and performances, $125 per day.
Rehearsal/green room (if available)
Rice University Police (4 hours minimum), $36/hour
Additional Technicians, $35/hour (minimum five (5) hours per day)
Hanging additional lighting (required in excess of repertory plot), $50/instrument
Changing focus of lighting instrument included in repertory plot, $50/instrument
Booms, $20/each
Ground plan, stage section, no charge
Restoration of repertory light plot, $50/instrument