Rice University is proud to present Eurydice, Sarah Ruhl's beautiful reimagining of the classic Greek myth of a young girl who travels into the underworld to reunite with her father.  When Eurydice's husband, Orpheus, risks his own life to enter the depths of Hades to rescue her, Eurydice must make a choice between following Orpheus back into life or remaining with her father in her new home. Eurydice is a love story of sacrifice, the battle between life and death, and a raining elevator, taking place in a hell where the devil rides around on a tricycle.

  • Playwright or Author: Sarah Ruhl
  • Directed By: Christina Keefe
  • Costume Designer: Heather Breikjern
  • Set Designer: Mark Krouskop
  • Opening Date: Friday, February 12, 2016
  • Closing Date: Saturday, February 20, 2016
  • Performance Location: Hamman Hall
  • Image Credit: Pin Lim

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